Yard Sale
A community event where individuals sell items from their homes (such as furniture, clothes, toys, etc.) to raise money for personal or charitable purposes. Example: "The neighborhood organized a yard sale to raise funds for the local animal shelter."

Pop-Up Market
A temporary marketplace where vendors set up booths to sell handmade goods, food, crafts, or local products. It can be a fun event for the community to explore unique items and support small businesses.
Example: "A pop-up market with local artisans was held downtown, featuring jewelry, clothing, and fresh produce.
School Celebration
A high school event brings students together for fun, celebration, and community-building. Popular events include homecoming, prom, talent shows, sports day, and charity fundraisers. These activities foster school spirit and provide students opportunities to showcase talents, engage in friendly competition, and celebrate diverse cultures. Whether it’s a science fair or an art show, high school events create lasting memories and strengthen bonds within the school community.

A seminar event in high school is an organized session where students gather to learn about a specific topic from experts, guest speakers, or teachers. These events often focus on career guidance, personal development, college preparation, or current issues. Seminars may include presentations, Q&A sessions, and group discussions, giving students a platform to explore new ideas and gain valuable insights for their future.
Painting Exhibition
Join us for a transformative art experience at Laphto Mall. The Painting Exhibition event offers interactive painting sessions, reflective activities, and an inspiring art exhibition. Discover creativity, healing, and renewal in a supportive community.